My blog

A naive endeavour to create a blog on science outreach activities with school kids, grad life, movies, books and pretty much everything that comes into mind while writing!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Childrens books by Vosevolod all time favourite author

The best thing of my current adobe is it is very close to a kids school and every morning while waiting in the bus stop I feel life is wonderful just by watching the children s activities in the park adjacent to the bus stop....those kids are around 6/10 years old and during recess they come out to play in the school park..watching them reminds me not only about the best part of my and my two brothers school life but also a lot of people from the past whom I might not ever get a chance to meet again....
Kids, no matter how little they are, have very distinct personality of their own...this is something I always find quite invigorating ....the personality does not change much as we grow old....even after a few decades if we meet our school mates we mostly can identify them by their distinct persona, style of talking, body language or simply by their voice..nothing changes much ..except some coats of sophistication and constant effort of controlling our emotions...
that actually means we adults lack spontaneity....our movies,books, activities are less spontaneous....neither do we  try to make sky rockets in our garage room with cousins nor we try to leave the country on a fine summer day due to excessive pressure to submit home work at school...but a kids life is always dynamic and spontaneous... .thats why as a children s book  writer all the great of the greatest ones are known for their spontaneity...for their ability to understand a kids imagination and limitations and to make it funny...among many many of that i recently revisited is some of the works of Vosevolod Nestaiko.
His first book that came into my hand was the Vayukovka bullfighetrs...the book actually belonged to one of my class mates from school and before i could return it to her she left the school for some unknown reasons and since then for almost a decade the Vayukovka bullfighters and the life of toreadors (both stories together in a blue white hardbound cover) stayed in my study desk, visited my bed very often and from there shifted to both my brothers life for a while....being out of home now i wonder do we still have it there back home....its something which you will never want to loose....
Both the stories were based on two teenage protagonists Java and Pavel and their school life, some little infatuations with not so pretty girls..some big fights, aspirations (which changed on a daily basis) to become a toreador to astronaut to kiev police and their respective unique families with associated pressure which happens more or less to every teenagers life....
Honestly, when I brought the book I had no idea about Vosevolod Neataikos writing skills....neither did I know that from that time onwards I will search forever in libraries for his books....the most interesting thing about his writing style is his dialogues throughout the feel like someone very close to you is actually narrating those events...that person sometimes seems you grandpa...sometimes father and sometimes just a friend....
the main stories are made up numerous short stories from these two teenagers life and none of them were boring or repetitious....even as a grown up adult if someone tries to read them again they will find them equally humorous ... wonderful and interesting.....
Although as a teenager we mostly have homework to do and a few infatuations to take care of :)...sometimes there are thing such as the challenges of coping up with increasingly growing body and mind and the fear of rejection and future....all these different aspects are very well pictured in his novels matter which age group you belong to ....your happiness index increases thousand fold while reading and even while recalling reading the book ...not only because it reduces your pain of getting a bad grade in one of your favourite subjects after finding out this happens to almost everyone religiously but also it creates a nostalgia for those long gone days....and being a teenager you feel like someone spy ed on you and wrote it for the public!!!
I searched quite a bit to give a glimpse of my one of the favourite authors work but did not find any except this short story.....(dont worry I will be attaching that here ) ...if you guys like it for his other novels and short stories in your libraries.....and enjoy revisiting childhood ....,d.cGE

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hillcrest Middle with special needs

"Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man" - this was said by one of the most notable Indian personality for centuries, Swami Vivekananda and I was told by my language teacher Kajolbabu, who had inspired me a lot to take my language studies seriously and to have a free independent let the education manifest....but at the same time this particular saying took a long time to manifest in my own mind, in other words I was puzzled by the very fact that if this is something already present in us why the manifestation differs so much and why it takes such a long time to realize the true nature of it....I guess this might bring us to the nature vs nurture concept, over stressing the importance of nurture and clearly showing us that the 'method' is the culprit.....

Interestingly, every child is very curious towards the nature surrounding them, they love to learn, to participate; but sadly enough during the growing up process, somewhere in the middle this whole enthusiasm evaporates and eventually what we end up doing is complaining about the system and how we hate that it is like this.....there are a very few good-fellas amongst us (rest of us are very very jealous of them, I know) who truly enjoys whatever they do , whatever they learn ....and the rest of us keep thinking about a direction...... in fate...

Being grown up in a developing country and being part of a very very conventional education system, I was totally amazed to see other interesting modes of gathering and acquiring knowledge after leaving my country..I m not trying to say that only these unconventional casual methods are the best bet but something like education which is even more indispensable than we presume, should be fun to do and should start showing up its manifestation in a decent time course....luckily enough its true significance is being realized across the globe now and outreach activities are increasingly becoming popular among us...

Having said this much, I should now jump into our recent school visit for Science Outreach programme with standard 8 th  kids with special needs...and frankly it was much more fun than I had imagined it would be...the main aim of these science outreach programmes, run by graduate students, is to make science more interesting/popular among school kids and to give them a different perspective to think about science as a future career option..... obviously science is not the only coolest thing to do...but its just a different approach to show the fun part of doing science...

Being in a city where it rains 300 days a year, thankfully it was a beautiful sunny outreach partner Teresa and me planned to start late in the morning after finishing some experiments, as we could manage to get a car from our department. To our surprise it was a much bigger car than we presumed and I have to admit that Teresa did a great job in driving it ....the only funny thing was that, the roof light refused to turn off even after our repeated trying of closing each doors including the rear one ! It was exact 15 minutes drive and we arrived to our destination which was a big one storied our utter despair we again had to try closing off each doors and windows in order to turn off the roof light....but we were so excited about the event that we dint mind much...

At the reception the lady had no idea about this outreach event and requested us to wait in the lounge which was kind of fun as we managed to watch some parts of the Euro Cup match of Poland vs Czech Republic and a cute goal by Christiano Ronaldo....I dont follow soccer for a long time but it was fun to be a part of that excitement for a few minutes...eventually the helpful lady came back but she still had no clue which class room we were supposed to go...and thought of checking with the room bookings and while she was doing so over the telephone and a small gathering was forming in front of us with a questions in their curious faces which said "where do you guys want to go''....a teacher came and approached us with a smile and we were immediately assured that we came to the right place....thank goodness!

The classroom was big enough and there were total 39 my surprise they were all busy chatting almost loudly with each other in the presence of their teachers....something which I will never imagine in a normal classroom period in India....we used to be scared of our teachers and they use to make sure we dont chit chat in front of them in a class......which is something I always mom used to get only one complaint during parent teacher meetings that your daughter is very chatty.....and she used to try and find so many lucrative trade off s with me in order to stop that...:)

After a quick introduction and greetings, we started giving a short presentation on the advantages of Fruit fly as a model for scientific research purpose and their life cycle.....and the kids seemed to be very attentive to that talk....I was actually surprised to find out their knowledge on genetics as a whole ...two students, a boy who almost looked like Harry Potter and a little girl, were even more curious than the rest and asked us questions such as how do you keep fruit flies in vials and how a mutation can be beneficial..something I could never even thought of at that age...they all seemed to quite enjoy our presentation....

We later continued the class by dividing them into groups of 5 and showing them some cool mutations and let them guess those and also name where the fun began...most of the boys wanted to pair up with the  girls but none of the girls seemed interested enough....eventually the teachers kind of mixed them up proportionately....a group of five girls reminded me of my school days so much...they were kind of absent minded at the beginning and continuously kept discussing among themselves about something which apparently seemed something very serious....I remembered those days when everything seemed so very serious.... from a  pimple to a pizza topping everything we had to discuss in our group..

Eventually I got another shock of the day when pretty much every group started asking for a pen to write down the answers in their worksheets...apparently none of them in the class had a pen! and the teacher when asked for went down to bring some!! Long live i days are changed man!...I remember bringing half a dozen pen, pencils etc and some cute pencil boxes too to school every day.....I think days are not far when our kids are going to ask us "did you use a pen and paper in your school...thats cool!"

The enthusiasm of the students amazed me .....every time when I am with them, I cant stop remembering how much fun it was being a school kid....Harry Potter, the very smart kid, as usual kind of knew most of the  answers and was quite obsessed with his magnifying glass.....we had to bring some more to neutralize the revolutionary atmosphere in his group....some of the answers they wrote were funny too....."Fruit Fly is a good model as its very difficult to have 20/30 brothers and sisters being humans and it takes long long time".....according to another student every mutation is caused by "excessive energy of those flies"....
I enjoyed this part the most....talking to them and finally after we discussed the answers with them, they wrote some 'thank you' cards for us....I remember one in particular in which a little girl wrote she wants to work with fruit flies when she grows up..I wish I would have brought that with was kind of inspiring!

As a hindsight, I feel we could have arranged some games and more visuals (videos) to bring them more into this  ..but there is always a next time.....definitely the happiest moment of the day were those question answer sessions and the thank you notes...and my little sad moment was, before leaving I wanted to gift a magnifying glass to Mr Potter....but he was waiting in a queue quite far away from us for his lunch to be served with the same eagerness .....I hope his enthusiasm and persistence prevails forever.....

Hopefully many more to come ....I will stop here with some of the images i took that day (obviously of that stupid car too)...not in the class as I dint want to make them feel different.....

let there be light .....always!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

About me

As the daughter of an academician, and a recovering learner myself, while everyone is entitled to their opinion, here's where mine comes from:

I am a Zoologist by profession
(I hope I can say that after having  a BSc and MSc in Zoology from University of Calcutta and an MPhil (Developmental Biology) from University of Sheffield and presently pursuing my PhD in the same) ,  and being a student for more than half of my lifetime, I like to be associated with teaching and learning. I am an active member of graduate students forums, Science outreach activities and all those free food events associated with them. Those are my credentials. Now who am I as a person? In short:

I like super spicy chinese food, guacamole, granola and yoghurt,  photography, dancing, painting, cocktails, graffiti art, movies, children books, humour, a little bit of rain every week and having at least a cat as a pet in the house.

I dislike grape fruits, wet shoes, untidy rooms, curious people and people who don’t know how to laugh on a daily basis.

After being unsuccessful in some of my previous attempts to continue writing in a blog, I thought of taking a different approach. Instead of finding out time on a daily basis, I would specifically dedicate it to report science outreach activities that I undertake and review some interesting books and movies (can I upload some graffiti arts too at times!).

Hope you enjoy!